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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 09/21/05
SEPTEMBER 21, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
Edward Smith, Police Chief
Bill MacDonald, Recreation Department Director
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Finance Committee:      Joyce Higgins, Susan Laware, David Richardson, Rick St. Pierre,
        Elaine VanVelsor

CALL TO ORDER:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting with the Finance Committee to order at 6:32 P.M.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Joyce Higgins advised that the Finance Committee had a number of small things that they wondered about.  Dave Edkins said they wanted a summary of trips made from the Transfer Station; that information was not available at this meeting but he will obtain it and pass it on to the Committee.  There was a lightning strike at the Transfer Station so a new computer had to be purchased, scale work needed to be done, etc. but there was a reimbursement from the insurance company.  Joyce Higgins questioned if the proposal for bids for the Town Hall roof went out?  Dave Edkins responded not yet.  There is a question on whether there is damage underneath the roof and, because of safety requirements, it may require staging of the entire building.  Blanc and Bailey were contacted for assistance in preparing a bid spec; Dave Edkins will contact Melanson and Jancewicz & Sons Roofing.  Joyce Higgins suggested contacting Steven Perra, Contractor, for an estimate.  There was discussion relative to the Workers Compensation being over-budget by a small amount but that is an estimate.  The final figure is based on experience and actual payroll so most years there is a refund to the Town at the end of the year.  Elaine VanVelsor asked about the welfare budget.  Currently it is about 49% spent but with high fuel prices it remains to be seen whether it will stay within budget.  The fuel assistance is usually used later in the winter when other funding starts to run out.  The vehicle repair account for the Fire Department is high but they had some unanticipated repair jobs; hopefully, their bottom line will balance out.  

The Department Heads are in the process of doing employee evaluation reports and beginning their budgets so the Selectboard hopes to get the budget process going in a timely manner and will get it out to the Finance Committee as soon as they can.  Joyce Higgins asked if the Selectboard foresees any definite problems.  The Selectboard noted the high price of heating oil, diesel and gas.  The weather has been in our favor so far.  The Police Department scaled back on their patrolling.  Pool repairs have begun; it is on schedule.  The Recreation Committee scaled back on this project by cutting out the tile lanes and just relying on the floating rope lines for now.  The Finance Committee will continue to meet on Monday nights.                          
The meeting with the Finance Committee adjourned at 7:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of September 7, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steven Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of September 7, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that vehicle inspections are due in September and that is finished.  They needed to purchase a few tires but other than that the repairs were minor.  All the pipes and catch basins are in for the East Street drainage project.  Olcott Lane will be started next week in addition to starting the work on the Old Cheshire Turnpike.  The culvert washes out when it rains hard.  All of the water comes off the Putnam fields.  The loader job is done and the grader will be done on Friday.  The rental excavator is going back.  M.P. Flynn is in Town and is working on the Unity Stage Road; it will be paved next week.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that they are finishing up the meter pits and have only three more occupied homes that are un-metered.  There are seven that are un-metered but unoccupied and shut off for various reasons.  They started doing fire hydrants.  Today and tomorrow the sewers are being cleaned on the west side.  There was a problem with the Stevens Street pump station; they called the manufacturer and it is still under warranty.  About two nights ago there was a problem at the Jesse St. Pierre residence on Park Street when the sewer main plugged and backed-up; a claim was filed with Primex for basement damage.  The third round of arsenic is in; the State will provide an average.  There is a Pilot Program available through the State for low arsenic wells but he isn’t sure if they will pick Charlestown.  The next round will be done in the tenth month.  They have been working at the Michael Avenue pump station.  Due to steel and gas increases it will be a little over-budget but he is trying to keep the numbers as submitted.  Geer Hill will be done next year.

Deb Clark, Town Clerk, and Dave Duquette presented a proposal for water and sewer shut-offs.  There has been concern about the lengthy process involved.  The shut-off list usually starts out with about 160.  After notices about 29 are left; one was a hardship.  This past period 15 responded when they pulled in the yard to do the shut-off.  This happens twice a year and it quite often involves the same people.  A lot of money is spent on the process; an estimate is $1,400 a year.  Deb Clark came up with a solution and that is to put a lien on the property; she explained the process.  The next meter reading will be done the first week in October with bills being processed for November 1st.  A letter from Deb Clark, to be approved by the Selectboard, will be sent out with the bills.  Steve Neill felt the Selectboard needs time to think about this proposed change and formulate a plan.  

Steve Neill asked about the meters on at Morway's Park.  Dave Duquette met with the owner and she is moving forward with the project.  Following a request from the owner, there was discussion relative to having Dave Duquette purchase the materials for the project and have the owner reimburse the Town.  Steve Neill responded “no” as it goes against a policy that was set 5-or-6 years ago.  The Selectboard approved having Dave Duquette provide the specs, the parts list, the vendors’ names and miscellaneous advice.

Police Department:  Police Chief Smith reported that the street dance, discussed at the last meeting, went very well; the Police Department made regular patrols.  They have had a problem with the radio antenna, especially on foggy mornings.  It was checked but continued to have problems.  They hooked-up to the ambulance antenna and that is working very well in all areas of town.  The Department received a $4,500 Homeland Security grant for a generator but had put in for $7,200.  Some signatures are needed for the sign-off to accept it within ten days.  The balance will be included in next year’s budget.

Recreation Department:  Bill MacDonald had submitted a letter of resignation, as the Director of the Recreation Department, effective last Saturday, September 17th.  The Selectboard accepted the resignation with regret and thanked him for many years of service to the Town.  They hope that after a rest he will join them in some other capacity.  Bill MacDonald said he enjoyed his time on the Recreation Committee and appreciates everyone’s assistance.  

East Street Extension:  Katherine Jackson, a resident on East Street Ext, had previously written two letters about the condition of the street.  She acknowledged a response from the Selectboard that did not please her.  Mrs. Jackson agreed that the road looked black when they bought their home so she assumed it was paved but it was not; it probably had been treated with an oil emulsion process.  When they purchased their property they were assured that it was a town maintained road and it was for a long period of time.  It started to disintegrate when they built the power station.  This past spring the road was graded but it washed away by the heavy rains.  Right now it is in a rougher condition than ever.  It is a steep hill and damaged through no fault of theirs.  A member of the Highway Advisory Committee had told them that the road was on their list to be paved.  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair did not remember the road being on any list or even being mentioned.  Brenda Ferland traveled the road today and agreed that it is pretty bad.  Bob Jackson commented that the ditches were clean out to the Sullivan property but the highway crew did not go up any further up the hill.  It is about 1/10th of a mile from the Sullivan’s to the Jackson’s driveway.  Keith Weed confirmed that they did the ditching to where the blacktop ends.  Gary Bigelow said this is the worst that he has seen that road.  It is a well-traveled road and he would like to see a hard surface.  Steve Neill recommended that the road be smoothed out again when the grader is repaired, put some gravel on it, pack it down and do some ditching for starters.  Then they can look at the paving schedule for the next budget period.  Brenda Ferland noted that the road certainly needs attention.

Fling Road Bridge:  Gary Bigelow questioned the status of the Fling Road Bridge.  Will we continue to turn over the money for the project each year?  Dave Edkins advised that an engineer is working on the revised flow calculations.  A contract was signed so the money has now been committed.  Keith Weed said they went through all of the McFarland-Johnson paper work.  

Cell Phones:  Steve Neill noted a recent cell phone bill that was paid with high roaming charges.  All of the departments seem to have different programs.  At one time they tried to customize a plan.  There is a need to collectively look at pooling the town’s cell phone plans to get a better deal.

Back Flow List:  Brenda Ferland worked on the back flow list, added some possible names and gave it back to Dave Duquette.

Provan & Lorber:  The Selectboard received the close out paperwork from Provan & Lorber for the project and they will sign the documents.   

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  There was no payroll to be signed.  The Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Order:  Highway Department –Rouse Tire Sales $1,370.00.  

Recreation Department – Patch Park Trees – Keith Weed looked at the marked trees and would like to see them all cut down.  It is a safety issue – some are dying - all of them except one are leaning toward the fields, the ground is wet and the other one is leaning toward the river.  Limbs are constantly coming down.  Two estimates were received and reviewed.  There is not enough money left in the budget to do the complete job.  The lower section of the park will be closing in a few weeks.  The Selectboard agreed that they would like to see it all done at once including the stumps and put the purchase order on-hold.  

Patch Park Soccer Area:  Keith Weed advised that there was some damage to the soccer goal post.  The assumption was that the mower caught the new netting and pulled it back but he believes that it was kids swinging on it.  Steve Neill said the mowing company took care of the repairs, not for admitting responsibility, but for community spirit.  Brenda Ferland recommended that a thank you letter be sent to them.                                     
Hazardous Waste Collection:  A notice was received from the City of Keene regarding the Hazardous Waste collections.  The Town of Charlestown’s participation share is $2,476.54 but the Town usually gets reimbursed for a portion of the fee from a State Grant.  The Selectboard discussed that Bob Davis had reservations about whether or not enough Charlestown residents take advantage of the program.  It is better to see some residents use it; it is a small price to pay to keep it out of the Transfer Station, along the roadside, down drains, etc.  

Steve Neill moved to table this decision until the next meeting to allow time to obtain some history.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions made at this meeting.

Order for Repairs to a Hazardous Building:  The Selectboard approved and signed an Order for Repairs to a Hazardous Building at 117-119 Main Street owned by Virginia Poisson.  They expect it to be done in a timely manner according to the RSAs.  

The Selectboard approved and signed a response letter to Mr. Delorier advising what action they took regarding the above Main Street matter.

Transfer Station Stickers:  Blanc and Bailey requested two additional stickers for their business to use the Transfer Station.  The Selectboard agreed to grant this request.

Silsby Library:  A letter was received from Sandra Perron, Librarian, to ask that the Selectboard consider repairing the plaster ceilings in the old building.  Their preference is the hallway first.  The cost of the repairs would come from the Municipal Building maintenance & repair budget and the cost to prime and paint the repairs areas would be paid for out of the Trustees’ Funds.  The Selectboard approved this request.  The new carpeting is done and looks very nice.  The employees were painting some of the smaller rooms.

Reimbursement for Mr. Rivard:  Mr. Rivard requested reimbursement of $117.00 for a Buildings Seminar that he attended.  It is considerably less than in the past as he usually goes for a three-day conference but this year stayed over for one night.  He received an award for his years of service.  Mr. Rivard plans to leave his position with the Town on October 24th, 2005.

Move to Bakery Building:  The Board of Selectmen’s office move into the Bakery Building is just about done; there are a few odds-and-ends.  There is an old map, card file, picture and a few other items left in the other office; the Selectboard will make a decision as to whether to save or not.  Jon LeClair wanted everyone to keep an eye on the sagging floor.

Dave Edkins displayed some suggested wording for a new sign on the Bakery Building to indicate the re-located Selectboard office.  It is no longer just Public Works.  The Selectboard approved the wording.

Parking on the side of the Bakery Building should be addressed.  Often tractor-trailer units block access to the whole area and there is a lot of parking in the spaces by Citgo patrons even with the signage that is there.  It is a safety issue.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have “No Parking” painted along the outside of the parking area.       

Transfer Station:  There was discussion regarding the change of hours from a 10-hour to an 8-hour day.  The one-half lunch hour break will be staggered.  Rotation of the driving went well.  

Jon LeClair moved to accept the recommendation from Keith Weed to change the hours at the Transfer Station as follows:  It will be open four days from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and Wednesday will be from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

North Charlestown National Historic District:  Joyce Higgins extended an invitation to the Selectboard to participate in the Walking Tour of the National Historic District in North Charlestown on Sunday, October 16th, at 2:00 p.m.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  The Conservation Commission met last Monday night.  Prior to the meeting they met on the Old Claremont Road at Howard’s property, next to Pellerin’s Store, and looked at the wetlands issue.  When they came back they discussed that and talked about the trail maps.  The Adopt-a-Highway clean up on Route 12 south is scheduled for Saturday, October 1st; the meeting place is the Fire Station.  Landmark Land Services received a Permit by Notification on property on the Meany Road for a culvert for access.           

CEDA – Steve Neill:  There has not yet been a CEDA meeting this month.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  They have not scheduled another Solid Waste Committee meeting to-date.                          

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  The meeting last week was cancelled.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission met, she was unable to attend but spoke to some members.  They will work with the Rotary Club on replacement of the doors in the Town Hall to try to find doors that are more suitable to that period.  

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  The Planning Board met last night.  They approved a Sign Permit for the Connecticut River Bank to replace the small sign over the front door with an oval sign and place the new sign to the north of the bank to replace the existing sign on the south side.  There was a preliminary consultation with St. Pierre, Inc. on their North Charlestown gravel pit property that was pretty well received by the Board.  Vicky Boundy came in and continued work on the Master Plan Land Use chapter.  The UVLSRPC will continue to work on the map.   

Jon LeClair moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                        Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the October 5th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)